Keep Improving Your Hiring Process
Whether you are hiring employees for a big organization or looking for some potential candidates to build your start-up. The hiring process is the first and foremost factor you need to focus on. We often hire without thinking because we may be in a situation where it is a necessity. Make sure you are following these steps in your hiring process:
What is important is always focus on getting to know the capabilities, knowledge, skills, confidence, an attitude of the candidate you are interviewing.
When you advertise job vacancies for your company, make it that the job requirements such as responsibilities, required education, experience, knowledge, and skills are clearly mentioned. It will help you in evaluating candidates and attracting applicants that fulfill all of your responsibilities and requirements.
It's also a good idea to involve other (staff)in the hiring process, if you can. Since more opinions can lead to finding the right employee for your organization..
Don’t Forget to Hire apprentice
People may disagree, but this is one of the best ways to hire the right employee for your business. You know all of their strengths, weaknesses, skills, knowledge, attitudes, behaviour, confidence levels, and even practical evidence of work.
What else do you need to know?
You've already done the hard work in picking an apprentice, so why not hire from this potential pool when looking to fill permanent positions.
My suggestion develop a close relationship with hair schools.
How and where do I find potential employees?
Post jobs to your company website.
Post available jobs to social media and ask employees to share.
Post to every free job posting site you can find.
Talk to local beauty schools and ask them to put the word out.
Get in contact with recruiters or staffing agencies.